Protein. We all need it. Not just bodybuilders, but every one of us requires protein to live. Proteins are the building blocks of life and every cell in your body contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids (see more about branch chain amino acids on Nutrology’s BCAA Natural page). You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones.
Protein can be consumed from a variety of sources. Nutrology recommends Grass Fed Whey as the #1 source of protein for your diet. Protein is also found in salmon, tuna, poultry, yogurt, shellfish, eggs and other sources. The protein supplement industry is huge and has been active for decades.
Over time, many myths have grown regarding protein. Let’s dispel three of the biggest ones.
Isolate Whey Is Better Than Concentrate Whey
The whey Isolate vs concentrate protein myth has been around for some time. There are some nice benefits to isolate whey protein. Isolate yields a higher purity rate, so if you are only looking for pure protein, then isolate can provide it as good or better than any other source.
But by definition, isolate proteins "isolate" everything out of the protein, including important protein co-factors such as immunoglobulins. This is especially true when compared with grass fed whey protein which contains higher levels of vitamins, fatty acids and immunoglobulins.
For a full-benefit protein, Nutrology believes Grass Fed Whey concentrate provides the best combination of pure, premium-quality protein while also including powerful by-products for your overall health.*
More Protein Is Better
Taking excessive amounts of protein will not yield better results. While there is not a set limit on how much protein you can absorb, studies show optimal amounts of protein for active individuals at .5g to 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, per day. If you weigh 200 pounds, then the optimal range is 100-200 grams of protein, daily.
Ingesting more does not seem to improve results, and your body just gets more efficient at excreting protein. The timing of your protein consumption is a much bigger factor than how much.