Thanksgiving: Healthy Eating and Healthy Living

Just because the holiday season has arrived, it doesn’t mean you have to throw out the hard work you have put into maintaining your health and increasing your lean muscle mass. Adding Nutrology’s nutritional supplements to your meals will make it easier to maintain portion control and continue with the healthy lifestyle you have created for you and your family during the holiday season.

Grass-Fed Whey Protein Fuels Workouts While Providing Immune Support

Grass-fed whey provides all-natural protein to power your holiday workout routine. Let’s face it, we might eat or drink a bit more than we want over the holidays. But with grass-fed whey protein concentrates, more of the nutrients and valuable immune-boosting alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins (removed during the filtering process in whey protein isolates) are preserved. This not only provides the fuel for a great holiday workout, it also adds that extra boost to your immune system. And that’s always a good thing when we stress it a bit more with our Thanksgiving diet and socializing.*

So whether it is running a turkey trot, a 5k, or working off that Thanksgiving meal, grass-fed whey protein provides you with essential amino acids to fuel your workouts, and also aids in the development of lean muscle mass. Importantly, those essential aminos in grass-fed whey help break down food, grow and repair body tissue, and give you the burst of energy needed for resistance training to build lean muscle.[2] Since the body does not naturally produce essential amino acids, it is vital to get it from rich sources – grass-fed whey protein.*

We know we can make a protein shake, but what are some other fun ideas for the holidays? Adding grass-fed whey protein to your pre- or post-workout smoothie is always a winner, but maybe try a whey-good pancake recipe to start the day’s festivities. Or, how about a pumpkin protein muffin as a beneficial and healthy dessert? Each gives you the boost you need to maintain portion control and manage your weight throughout the holiday season, all while enjoying delicious holiday food.*

Beet Natural

The holidays can be exhausting. Poor diet, poor sleep and just the run-and-fun with family and friends can wear you out. Beet Natural is the perfect remedy for that much-needed energy boost. Incorporating Beet Natural in your holiday smoothie pre-workout routine will help you to feel fresh, energetic and rejuvenated.*

If you’re into high performance (or just want a seriously good workout), Beet Natural contains all of the essential, all-natural, and healthy ingredients to boost your athletic performance during the holiday season. Beet Natural contains beet root which has been shown to improve oxygen efficiency during high intensity workouts by increasing blood flow to your muscles.[3] Additionally, it provides much needed vitamin C for immune health, and yerba mate which helps with weight management. With no artificial sweeteners, you can feel good about Beet Natural in your pre-workout routine because it supports an active lifestyle and helps keep the pounds off during the holidays.*

Adding just one scoop of Beet Natural to 12oz. water provides much-needed energy for whatever comes your way – workouts or a house full of teenagers!*

The holidays should be fun and not draining. Whether you add these products to your favorite holiday dishes or use them as workout energizers for your pre- and post-Thanksgiving workouts, they help keep off unwanted weight while allowing you to still enjoy your favorite foods. Stay energized and fortified for a fun night with family and friends, and the motivating workouts to follow!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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